Aims and scope


The focus of the Journal is physical culture as a multidisciplinary (health, socio-humanistic and educational science) and interdisciplinary (branches of sports and exercise science) field of knowledge and scientific research of physical activities.

The journal Physical Culture publishes the results of fundamental and applied scientific research, and seeks to disseminate theoretical and empirical research findings in education, sports training, coaching, manegement, organisation....

The journal publishes high-quality articles of common interest and international relevance on the topics such as: women in sport, kids and sports of youth, paralympic athletes, disabled exerciser, values of modern sport, Olympic movement, the development of education experience through physical education, sport and regular daily physical activities, aging, etc.. Special attention is paid to the results of scientific research and best practices of community development through all forms of physical activities.

The Journal Physical Culture is published in printed and electronic form and is open to authors from all over the world, including young researchers in doctoral and postdoctoral study programs and projects. All articles are published in Serbian and English and with titles, abstracts and keywords in Spanish. The Journal is prepared in two alphabets (Latin and Cyrillic).


Last Updated on Monday, 11 July 2022 09:21