Erne Sabo
Viša škola za obrazovanje vaspitača, Novi Sad.

indent Abstract
At the sample of 333 pre-school boys, which were divided pursuant to the length of stay in playschool, i.e. physical exercises, into three groups, at the moment of enrolling at the elementary school, functional abilities were measured and tested. In order to determine the differences between the groups of boys with different length of stay in playschool, one way (ANOVA) and multivariant analysis (MANOVA) was administered, as well as discriminative analysis (DISCRIMINATIVE). The results show that there is no significant difference between the groups. Based on the obtained results and realization of the factors that could possibly influence the development of functional abilities, it could be concluded that frequency of physical exercises of twice a week, outlined on directed motor activity, as well as the existing space and personnel conditions (in nursery) are not sufficient for more significant development of functional abilities of the boys of pre-school age.