Branislav Jevtić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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Theories of sport, as well as the theories of individual sports branches, and thus of swimming as well, are closely and tightly interconnected by knowledge that change and redirect men towards various sports values. Teaching methods of altitude training of swimmers (above 2000m), as the subject of this paper, is the example of how to reach a consistent and, from the point of view of theory of sport, a utilitarian theory and teaching methods of sports training. By theoretic analysis of various information sources, generalizations on training of athletes - swimmers at higher altitude are made and they are, in function of new theoretic and practical paradigm, represented by greater number of cognitive levels such as: Level of prototheory, Level of technology of training, Level of teaching methods and organization of training process, Level of methodology and Level of training practice.

Drаgаn Pеrišić
Spоrtski cеntаr "Оsеčinа", Оsеčinа, Serbia.

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The subject of the research is the influence of the athletic program of modern Olympic Games on the development of athletics. It encompasses three periods within modern Olympic Games: evolution of athletic program in the period of I-V, then from VIII-XI and from XIV-XXVII Modern Olympic Games. The aim of the research was to determine the influence that the athletic program has had since the beginning of the first modern Olympic Games till today. In the three observed periods, various factors (innovations in the technique of athletic events, athletic rules, technology of sports training, athletic results etc) influenced differently the enlargement of athletic program i.e. development of athletics at the modern Olympic games.

Živorad Marković
Agricultural-veterinary school with boarding school "Svilajnac", Serbia.

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Goal of research is to define the difference between planning which has continuous realization of programme tasks of sportstechnical education in comparison with planning, where there is bigger or smaller concentricity of content of sport-technical education. The research was carried out during one semester with the sample of 196 students 16-17 years old in Agriculturalveterinary school with the boarding school "Svilajnac" in Svilajnac. The experimental method was applied as a basic method, and statistical one as auxiliary. All variables which were applied in this research belong to the complex of predictory variables and they are: variables from the morphological space, variables from motoric space and variables from the attitudes of students to the values of physical education. Experimental planning of teaching of physical education with continuous education and improvement of sport-technical education, didn't have any influence on morphological variables of examinees. It had a positive influence on improvement of motoric abilities of examinees and attitudes to values of physical education and physical culture as a whole and as such it can be a reliable basis and recommendation for planning of physical education teaching, with continuous checking and improvement of knowledge and experience, trough future projects and research.

Zdenko Kosinac
Zavod za kineziologiju, Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih znanosti i odgojnih područja Sveučilišta u Splitu, Hrvatska.

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The results of a somatic check-up of the entire sample of 180 primary school lower grade pupils, 160 primary school higher grade pupils and 226 secondary school lower grade students in Split show that dismorphic changes of the thorax occur relatively seldom in children of this age (not over 20%). The relations between the groups of variables of some antropometric and somatic indicators and specific dismorphic changes of the thorax (the carinal thorax and the funnel-shaped thorax) have been established by the usual regression analyses. A significant relation between the groups of analyzed variables (the thorax depth, average thorax circumference and biacromial range) and the funnelshaped chest have been obtained, and an important connection between the groups of analyzed variables: body weight, minimum waist circumference, average thorax circumference and the thorax depth with the carinal chest (pectus carinatum). Taking into consideration life dynamics (the age and the level of education) one regularity can be recognized in the process of morphological transformation of the thorax posture, which should be familiar with and respected, because it can have a big diagnostic, prognostic and kinesitherapeutic importance.

Stanislav M. Paunić

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The analysis of the 34th European Championship in Basketball, held in Belgrade, begins with the presentation of the participants, groups, schedule of the games, venue of this great event but also with the final results. A particular review was done of the final phase together with criticism of the performance of the national team of Serbia and Montenegro. As per basketball itself, this championship recognized still its two trends: the NBA, i.e. the American one (selection, condition, technique, rules and tactics) and the "classic" European, of the same distinctions. It is pointed out that there is a drastic influence of USD BASKETBALL to EUROEAN BASKETBALL. The regret for the lack of real values is finally summarized in proposal that is high time for separation into: real, complete Basketball under its name and the NBA Industry, but certainly under its new name.

Mlađen B. Galić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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A mentor is a leader, advisor, consultant, tutor but also senior and more experienced teacher, or scientific worker, who assists in work, follows and evaluate final papers, and/or elaborations of scientific-research projects of graduates, specialists, master and doctor's degree candidates, scientific workers in institutes etc. At rule, mentor is appointed from a group of more experienced teachers, scientific workers, i.e. the most eminent "practitioners". The most important components of the mentor work are pedagogic, social and psychological. The base of mentor work is defined by two dimensions: program-content and organizational-action dimension including the pedagogic-professional and pedagogic-ethic ones. Mentor work is mostly developed in three phases: initial, realization and final phase. Besides the scientific field in which is the most competent, mentor needs to know well both general and specific methodologies of the research field he performs mentorship, which often requires special, additional and continuous – permanent education, i.e. permanent methodological professional improvement.

Nemanja Pažin
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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Various written information sources, today, offer possibility of insight into knowledge of various fields of science and profession. Their quality directly influences the possibility to further educate the reader and therefore improve the existing level of notions of certain phenomena. This paper deals with the analysis of various primary and secondary information sources from the field of sport aimed at discovery of the existing knowledge on plyometric method and its application in training. The analysis of expert literature contributed to the possibility of recognizing of the basic principles of application of plyometric method, especially the principle of individualization in training. The analysis of scientific periodicals proved that the researches related to the application of plyometric method, in the last 5 years, tackled different problems. This paper grouped them based on certain thematic areas that were subject of such researches or groups of researches.

Predrag Božić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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The paper presents the phenomenon of fatigue as an inevitable and insufficiently studied notion in the course of training. Besides the most famous and most used theories that explain this phenomenon, the factors leading to fatigue, methods and techniques which determine the existence of fatigue at various levels of human functioning were discussed. By analyzing the information sources an insight was obtained on the level achieved in the research of this phenomenon. Most of the levels at which it occurs were identified in the researches. However, it was underlined that there are numerous possible fatigue factors that further complicate projecting of one perfect model, that could be used to interpret that phenomenon. Contrary, the analysis showed that it is safer to consider the factors that lead to fatigue. Finally the analysis contributed to identification of further directions of monitoring and research of this phenomenon.

Srđan Marković
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

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Early identification of talent is one of the most important concepts in modern sport. The basic premises that accompanies the program of identification of talents is that development of young athletes is the most appropriate if the athlete goes in for the sport he is predisposed for. In order to develop such programs it is necessary to get to know the basic terms and phase of the process of identification and development of talents, and then to reveal the factors which contribute to success. This paper points that the process of identification of talents in football is multidisciplinary. Pursuant to the previous the potential predictors of talents in football are recognized in the areas of: physical features, physiological features, specific skills and psychological features. Comprehension of the problems is completed with the discussion on the influence of genetics and the process of maturing to the predictors of talent.